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Urban Climate

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Worksheet: Urban Bioclimate

Sheet 4: Test your knowledge

Clipart by Hemera, Big box of art

Urban Bioclimate

Would you rather live in the big city or in the countryside?
Write a little statement and discuss it with your friends.

Take your atlas and find the maps on bioclimate.
Find out which areas are most stressful for their inhabitants.
Many people complain about meteoro sensitivity.
Do you believe that weather can influence the well being?
Mostly in big cities the bioclimate is stressful.

Ask your friends and relatives, note the differences according to age.


Congested street in a city. Air pollution and noise pollution are a consequence. (Picture by Hemera "Big box of art")

Can you answer the following questions on bioclimate?

1) How in much (in percentage) does the urban traffic contribute to the air pollution?
a) ca. 10%
b) ca. 20%
c) ca. 40%
d) ca. 60%

2) Which disease may result from the deficit of the UV radiation?
a) meningitis
b) caries
c) rachitis
d) asthma

3) The noise pollution is higher in the city than in the country. Where is the threshhold for a hearing damage?
a) 20dB
b) 50dB
c) 70dB
d) 100dB

4) From what temperature onwards do we have do we have a feeling of sultriness (above 85% humidity)?
a) above 10°C
b) above 15°C
c) above 17°C
d) above 20°C


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Hot Summer 2003

The Summer of 2003 was extremely hot in Europe, breaking all heat records of the last century.
Many weeks the day temperatures were between 35°C and 40°C.
Many people enjoyed the Summer and went to parks and swimming pools even at night.
Elderly people, however, sufferred severely, especially in Paris during the first weeks in August 03.
Many of them had heart and blood circulation problems, and crowded in clinics.
The clinics and hospitals soon became overcrowded and were beyond their capacities.
It was estimated that nearly 10.000 people died in France because of the heat.

Use the following links to find out more:


Parks and green areas reduce the noise pollution, clean the air, and reduce the heat.
And all human beings have a built in cooling function:
Can you describe how transpiration works?
And what do animals and our pets do in a hot Summer? You must know  this!


Parks in cities absorb the noise and clean the air. (Picture by Hemera "Big box of art")



About this page:

- Author: - B. Wohlhöfer - University of Nürnberg - Germany
- scientific reviewing:
- educational reviewing: Dr. Schrettenbrunner / Dr. Schleicher / J. Heres
- last update: 09.09.03


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