espere > ENC Master > Climate Encyclopaedia > People changing climate > basics > 3. How hinder climate change? > - What can you do?

How are
people changing
the climate?


3. How can we hinder
man-made climate change?


What can you do? 

If you would like to help reduce climate change, you can cut down your CO2 emissions in your everyday life.

Here are some examples:



Cars and buses that run on gasoline or diesel emit CO2. If you live only a short distance from school or work, you will emit less CO2 than if you drive long distances every day. Emissions will be even less if you opt for the train or bus rather than your car. And if you ride your bike or walk, you do not emit any CO2 at all. But if you do drive a car, you emit less if you drive a vehicle that uses the least amount of gasoline per kilometer. You can also car pool – that is, share a ride with other people going in the same direction. The most polluting way to travel is by plane, so you emit far less if you travel by train.

1. TRAVELLING: the most polluting way to travel is by plane. Photo: Corel Gallery



If you save electricity, you minimize the need for energy from power plants that use coal, oil, or natural gas. Even if you live somewhere where much of the electricity comes from hydropower, windmills, or nuclear reactors, saving electricity reduces emissions of greenhouse gases. This is because the power grid connects power plants and consumers in many countries.


2. EUROPE BY NIGHT: How would this photo have looked if all Europeans turned off the light when leaving the room? Photo: NASA (click to enlarge, 85 kB)

When all of the consumers as a group use less electricity, there is less need for power plants fired by coal, oil, and natural gas, which emit CO2. You can save electricity by, for example, replacing normal light bulbs with long-life light bulbs, and turn off the lights every time you leave a room. You can also save electricity by completely turning off electric appliances – such as televisions, computers, and stereos – when you are not using them instead of leaving them in stand-by mode.


Goods and services

Most of the goods and services we buy contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases. The richer we are, the more we tend to consume of goods and services – and thus the more we emit. But some activities emit a lot, while other emit little. So there are a large number of choices you can make if you want to contribute to reducing emissions. For example, you can choose goods that are locally produced, which reduces the emissions associated with transportation.

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Author: Camilla Schreiner - CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo) - Norway. Scientific reviewers: Andreas Tjernshaugen - CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo) - Norway - 2004-01-20 and Knut Alfsen - Statistics Norway - Norway - 2003-09-12. Educational reviewer: Nina Arnesen - Marienlyst school in Oslo - Norway - 2004-03-10. Last update: 2004-03-27.


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