ACCENT > ACCENT it > Speciale: Giugno 06 Summit sul clima > A: Activities > What can I do?

What can I do for a better environment?

Susannah and Nick discuss their plans for keeping the environment healthy. Join their discussion and write your own suggestions.

Nick and Susannah

going by bike


Susannah: We travel too much by car. I am going to convince my dad to go to work by bus.
Nick: Yes, public transport is good. I am going to use the train next time when I visit my friends in the countryside.
You: Public transport causes less emissions than cars but it would be even better for me and the environment to do some sport. For short distances I am going to ....



Nick: There is a great advertisement for a skiing week-end in the mountains. But I am not going to go long distances anymore only for 2-3 days holidays.
Susannah: Yes, it’s 800 miles away. Too many people go long distances only for a few days holiday. I am going to go farer away only once a year but for a longer time then.
You: ...


holiday region

take goods from the region


Susannah: I've just been to the market to buy some apples. You can get fruits from all over the world. From now on I am going to buy fruits from my own country or countries nearby.
Nick: You are right. Buying local produce helps to reduce the emissions coming from transport. I am going to prepare a check list of what I can buy and where.
You: ...


Saving electricity

Nick: Next weekend I am going to check how much electricity our household appliances need.
Susannah: Yes, and saving power means also saving money. I am going to look for some extension leads which have a switch. So many things waste a lot of energy on standby.


save electricity

no advertisement paper waste


Susannah: This morning we had so many advertisements in the letterbox. Such a waste of paper. I am going to put a sticker “No adverts” on the letterbox.
Nick: At least we can bring the paper to the container for recycling. I read in the newspaper that the government is going to extend the collection system.



Nick: My aunt and uncle are going to install a solar thermal heating system on their roof. I think that’s a good idea.
Susannah: Great! Unfortunately we cannot do it since it is too complicated in our old house. But I am going to remind my brother not to keep his window open in winter. I usually open it wide but only for a short time to get some fresh air without letting out too much heat.



using solar energy

your example

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