ACCENT > ACCENT en > Nr 3 Sept. 2005 methane/energy > A: Activities > 1. Poster

Download: Material sheet "Characters small" Powerpoint (1.3 MB)
Material sheet "Characters small" PDF (400 KB)

Version 1:

Poster - Individual work


Black and white copy of the document "Characters small" for all students (2 sheets each per student).

Task / homework:

Take a sheet of paper in a double 'letter' or A3 format (about 17 x 11 inches) or stick two A4 sheets together. Draw two circles on the paper as shown below.

  • for renewable energies
  • against renewable energies

Keep an area free outside the circles for unclear positions.

Cut out all character cards from the sheets (apart from the engineers) and ask to this persons the hypothical question:
"Would you change today to renewable energies as soon as possible?" YES / NO

Use a glue stick and fix the characters in the respective circle "FOR" or "AGAINST" renewable energies.

Be prepared to explain in class why you choose which position for the respective characters. If necessary make some notes for yourself in your exercise book.




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