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Links to Climate Encyclopaedias in the Internet



Other Encyclopaedias in the Internet:

Environment for young Europeans
A well illustrated and interactive website for kids and youth in Europe - in numerous languages. Concerns many environmental fields and offers short explanations, often in animated films. (Nice also for kids)
Encyclopaedia on the Atmospheric Environment
Large Encyclopaedia on the Environment, English / French - in major parts text based with few illustrations - from: Information Programme of Manchester Metropolitan University

Physical Geography Net

Online textbook with illustrations in chapters with glossary - from: Okanagan University College
The Physical Environment
Studying the Environment in selected aspects in online modules

Learning about the Atmosphere

Illustrated background information in modules with teaching material - from: UCAR University Corporation of Atmosperic Research


Little chemical encyclopaedia

Brief composition of some chemical facts with links - from: Kiwi Web

Survey of Environmental Geobiochemistry

Small overview of the geobiochemical world around us, mainly text based in simple layout.







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