ACCENT > ACCENT en > Nr 5 Jan. 2006 oceanic sulfur > A: Activities


Understanding the oceanic ecosystem, why it is in danger and climate links


Worksheet 1: Compare life in the oceans and on land

In nature, living organisms depend on each other and they are also interlinked with the climate system. This is as true for the land as it is for the oceans. Think about the food web on land. Who depends on whom? In former ACCENT school magazines (for example Nr. 2 "Forest smell and clouds") we learned about the interdependence of land plants and the climate. In worksheet 1 you will find key terms playing a major role in nature. Can you link them to the respective images for the land as well as for the oceans?

Go to worksheet 1


Worksheet 2: The food web in the ocean

In the lifecycle of the oceans, different animals, simple organisms and also chemical compounds play a key role and influence each other and the climate. In worksheet 2 we present a scheme showing who depends on whom and through which processes. Can you fill it in?

Go to worksheet 2



Worksheet 1 (PDF)
Worksheet 1 (powerpoint)

Worksheet 2 (PDF)
Worksheet 2 (powerpoint)

Article: Acidfication (PDF)


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