ACCENT > ACCENT en > Nr 7 March 2006 Climate modeling > L: Links

How do climate models work?

Some links to further information on a basic and advanced level:


 Climate modelling in one page
A short illustrated overview - by NOAA
 The basics of climate prediction
A very well illustrated interactive website on the basics of climate prediction provided by the University of Oxford.
 Developing and testing a climate model
These pages gives you an idea how the equations for a climate system are developed and what they look like in a computer and also what sort of input you give into the model.
 Model types
This page of the UK Hadley centre gives a short overview of the common model types.


 The modelling of the climate system (Powerpoint - long loading time*)
Powerpoint lecture of Lennart Bengtsson - the lecture is advanced level but shows many good illustrations which make clear the relation between climate observation, the setup of a climate model and the predictibility of our climate system.
 Modeling and predicting climate change (Powerpoint - long loading time*)
A lecture on the setup of a model by Michael Wehner (notes on an advanced level)
 Visualitsation of model outputs
The page shows in some gaphics the output of a regional climate model
*If you have problems to open the file, click with the link with the right mouse button and choose: Save target as ... Save it on your hard disk.

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