ACCENT > ACCENT en > Nr 9 July 06 Air traffic > L: Links

Internet resources on aviation and on tourism

Link list

Aviation and climate impacts - basics

 Clouds may warm the US
Short article summarising NASA research that clouds caused by aircraft could be responsible for the present and future warming of the US climate. (text only, nice as introduction) - Copy of this article at Science Daily
 Critisizing aviation - position of the opponents
Whitepaper from the Aviation Environment Federation, United Kingdom. The publication gives an example in which way the opponents of the aviation industry argue. Positions are not necessarily scientifically neutral. (Suitable for example for a discussion in the classroom: air travel - pros and cons.)

Advanced and scientific background material

 IPCC report on aviation 1999
The IPCC report on aviation from 1999 is in some parts outdated with respect to the newest understanding in research. But in particular the understanding of direct emissions (like greenhouse gases) and estimations for the future are still relevant. The report gives an extensive overview of the field.
 Cirrus clouds due to aircraft traffic?
Scientific publication: Stordal et al., 2005 - Cirrus clouds caused by air traffic are a major source of uncertainty in estimating the global warming impact of aviation. The publication gives an example of the present research and knowledge.
 Future development of contrails
Scientific publication: Marquart et al., 2005 - The publications shows how the future impact of contrails on climate change is modelled and what the outcome and the uncertainties are.
 Civil aviation and climate policy
Scientific summary: Pastowski and Gilbert, 2003 - Comparison of air traffice between Europe and North America and the potential climate impact.




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