ACCENT > ACCENT en > Special: Nov 05 Ozzy Ozone > C: Ozone film

Does Ozzy exist?

In the little film "Ozzy Ozone" the ozone molecule Ozzy and the albatross Alberta tell us about processes that happen in the air. Maybe you have never ever seen an albatross but for sure you have seen other birds. But have you ever seen an ozone molecule like Ozzy?


Don't be surprised and say: "This is only a fairy tale." after you saw the story of Ozzy. In the film Ozzy is shown much larger than he really is. Ozone molecules are so little, you could never see them. You cannot see other molecules in the air either. But we all know that they are exist, although they cannot speak. Air is more than nothing.

Ozzy Ozone

Ozzy Ozone


lazy Nitrogen

Lazy nitrogen


In the air, you find lazy nitrogen, which does nearly nothing or the active oxygen, a chemical relative of Ozzy, which is necessary for our life, since we need to breathe oxygen. Certainly molecules do not really look like they do here or in the Ozzy film. This is how we imagingine them in order to understand what they do a bit better... and what they do in this film is the plain truth. We will see later that scientists observe all this, although we cannot see it with our own eyes.


Active oxygen

Active oxygen


Now go click on the screen below and see the "Ozzy Ozone" film. Listen to what Alberta and Ozzy tell you. On the next page we will ask you a few questions about this. You will only be able to find the right answers if you listened very well to the film.


ozone film

Click on the picture and choose the film in your preferred format from the UNEP website or click here:

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