Katrina in Wikipedia Continuously changing extensive information on the hurricane Katrina in the open Internet encyclopaedia Wikipedia
Low pressure systems and storms
NASA Hurricane Website Data and maps from Hurricanes in the past (category, wind speed, rainfall, etc.)
FAQ about Hurricanes Detailed and well illustrated answers on the most common questions concerning tropical cyclones provided by the US Hurricane Research Division (in English, French and Spanish)
Tropical cyclone tracker Animation of tracks of the hurricanes in the recent years (Univ. of Wisconsin)
Impacts of hurricanes
USGS hurricane impact studies Short overviews with photos demonstrating the impacts of the recent hurricanes, provided by the US Geological Survey
Impacts of natural catastrophes Munich Re Reports on the impacts of natural disasters (for example the annual report 2004) are regularly published in several languages by the Geo Risk Research group of the Munich Re back-insurance company. Major parts of the reports concern storms. See: publications -> Geo risk research on the Munich Re homepage.