> ACCENT de > Spezial: Juni 06 Klimagipfel > L: Links
This linklist is split into two parts with a completely different focus
Part A: Grammar - Links about future tenses
Part B: Content - Links about the climate summit in Montreal and climate conventions
Part B: Content - The Montreal climate summit and International treaties
Reports from the Montreal climate summit
BBC online article A political view on the climate summit
Greenpeace summary A very short summary of the decisions from Montreal is given by Greenpeace
Press release from UNFCCC The official press release from the organiser (UNFCCC) on the Montreal climate summit
Background and further reading:
More detailed reports from Montreal are not easy to read for non-experts. However, for the interested the following resources can be useful:
Report offered by the Wuppertal institute (PDF) The Montreal climate summit: Starting the Kyoto business and preparing for post-2012. A 13 pages PDF report (text only).
Earth Negotiations Bulletin Detailed summary report from the Montreal climate summit
Decisions from UNFCCC website The official documents from the climate summit in Montreal can be found on the UNFCCC website. But they are only understandable for experts familiar with the negotiation process.
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