ACCENT > ACCENT en > Nr 6 Feb. 2006 acid rain

Acid rain in Asia

A chemical process and its impacts

the sulphur cycle

Sulphur compounds play many roles in our environment and the climate system.


No. 6

February 2006






Impacts of acid rain in Asia

The problems caused by acid rain are well known from Europe, where measures have been taken to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions. In Asia, emissions are still high. We give an overview, summarise the challenges and estimate the costs. [more]

Sulphur oxides and acids

During combustion processes and in the atmosphere, sulphur compounds are oxidised. Contact with water leads to acid reactions. We show how. [more]

The sulphur cycle

Sulphur is moving around in our Earth system and undergoing physical transport and chemical transformation processes. We give a short introduction to the key points of the sulphur cycle and its relevance for our climate. [more]

Activities - WEB-Quest

In parallel to normal classes on sulphur, pH-value and acids / bases, the students explore the sulphur cycle and its relation to our climate system in self-contained learning. We present an approach which has been successfully used in classes. [more]

Links to acid rain

A lot of material on acid rain is avialable in the Internet. You may find a few helpful links here or also look for "acid rain" in search engines. [more]

Information for teachers

Links to the downloadable material and recommendations for the application of the magazine in the curricular context of sulphur, acids, chemical and physical cycles and climate links. [more]



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