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Lezioni sui Cambiamenti Climatici 1
UQ 3 Maggio 07 Automobili e ozono
UQ 2 Mar 07 L'aria urbana
I cambiamenti climatici 2007 speciale IPCC
UQ 1 Nov Dic 06 Le particelle presenti nell'aria
Speciale: ottobre 2006 L'informazione
No 10 Settembre 2006 Le emissioni in Africa
No 9 Luglio 06 Il traffico aereo
Speciale: Giugno 06 Summit sul clima
R: Climate summit report
C: Glossary
A: Activities
International support
Climate research
Word square
What can I do?
L: Links
I: Information for teachers
No 8 Aprile 2006 Ozono e ciclo N2
No 7 Marzo 2006 I modelli climatici
No 6 Feb. 2006 piogge acide
No 5 Gen. 2006 zolfo marino
Speciale: Nov 05 Ozzy Ozono
No 4 Ott. 2005 luce/satelliti
Speciale: Sett 05 Cicloni
No 3 Sett. 2005 metano/energia
Speciale: luglio 05 Una serra come pianeta
No 2 giugno 2005 foreste/aerosol
No 1 maggio 2005 vegetazione/CO2

Looking out to the future

What will happen to our climate? How are the countries in the world going to react? What are you going to do personally?

Climate change is a big challenge for the world. We speak about what is going to happen. You can fill in gaps and tell yourself using the following worksheets.


Worksheet No. 1

Imagine a world in which the nations help each other in taking measures against climate change. Describe what they are going to do!

Worksheet No. 2

ACCENT is a network of research groups. The scientists try to understand more about our climate. They made plans for the future. Fill in the gaps in this worksheet.

Worksheet No. 3

Sixth sentences about our climate. Complete them with the help of a word square.

Worksheet No. 4

Susannah and Nick speak about their personal contributions for a better environment. Join their discussion and tell what you would like to do.

Read the following text and summarise the major impacts of climate change in your own words.




last updated 19.11.2006 | © ACCENT - Atmospheric Composition Change 2013