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The day after tomorrow
Everything fiction?
- stormily interpreted
The film
The 'Pentagon Study'
Expectance for the future

climate up-to-date

The day



Everything Fiction?

"When you are producing a film, you have to choose a horror scenario and not pedagogically valuable education of the people."
(Film director Roland Emmerich in an interview)


'The day after tomorrow' describes a catastrophic scenario. No renowned expert in climate science would seriously say that this scenario will become reality or that there would be even the slightest likelihood that it could become reality. However, the core theories of the film are not just taken from the world of fantasy, but they are used in scientific climate models. A further warming of the Earth's atmosphere is nearly a matter of fact, a higher incidence of extreme weather events is likely, and a disruption of the North Atlantic Ocean current cannot be excluded. The resulting consequence of this would be a significant cooling in parts of Europe and North America.


Flutkatastrophe 2002

Reality in summer 2002: Bennewitz near Wurzen (Germany) disappeared in floods - Source: MDR


During summer 2002, central Europe became victim of extreme rainfall and a flood, of a magnitude that had never before been experienced, in particular at the Elbe River and its tributaries. In contrast, summer 2003 brought an extraordinary heat wave to Europe. The debate is whether or not these events have to be accredited to climate change. There have always been extreme weather conditions. However, it is predicted that the likelihood of these events will increase in the future. How often and who will be affected on our planet ... we will have to wait and see.


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