ACCENT > ACCENT en > UQ 1 Nov Dec 06 Particles in air

Particles in the Atmosphere

What is floating in the air?

Urbino Questions

UQ 1

November / December 2006


Chemistry / Physics

The pollution of our air with ozone, other gases and particles has an impact on our life. The research of ACCENT is coordinated in the little Italian town of Urbino. Here, scientists try to find answers to the topical questions of politicians and decision makers.



Urbino Questions


Particles are suspended everywhere in the air. We also call them aerosols. Their availability is of essential importance for our environment, health and the climate system. Over several editions on the "Urbino Questions" we are going to discuss the properties of particles. [ more



Part A: Perception of air - We find more in air than only gases [ more ]
Part B1: Phase transitions - Not only water, but also gases can become liquid and solid [ more ]
Part B2: Polarity and ions - Why do salts have a very low volatility? [ more ]


Part A: Measurement of particles in air - Standards and technologies in our cities [ more ]
Part B: Formation of aerosol - The role of sulphuric acid for the finest particles [ more ]


Combustion of plant material - How solid matter turns into gases and particles in nature. A fiery experiment. [ more ]


Curricular Integration

Part A: Perception of air, experiments with air - Is air not more than a gas? [ more ]
Part B: Physical states, acids and their salts - non-gaseous matter and states in the atmosphere [ more ]
Expectations - answers to questions in the experimental part [ more ]


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