Can you answer the following questions? |
1) Climate change will probably make Europe more susceptible to... |
2) Which of the following effects is the least likely consequence of more frequent floods in Europe? |
3) A hotter climate may make some animal and plant life... |
4) If climate change produces "winners and losers", it is likely that... |
5) In case of climate change, poor countries may suffer greater damage than rich ones because they... |
6) Which of the following diseases do we expect to spread as the climate gets hotter? |
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Attention: This quiz is optimised for internet explorer or new versions of Netscape! If the little solution window disappears, just reopen it from the task row! |
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Authors: Ellen K. Henriksen and Camilla Schreiner - University of Oslo - Norway. Scientific reviewer: Andreas Tjernshaugen - CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo) - Norway - 2004-01-20 Educational reviewer: Educational reviewer: Nina Arnesen - Marienlyst school in Oslo - Norway - 2004-03-10. Quiz programmer: Julia Heres - University of Nürnberg - Germany. Last update: 2004-03-27.