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Clouds & Particles
1. Clouds
2. Particles
- Where do they come from?
- What do they become?
- Health effects of particles
* Worksheet 1
* Worksheet 2
* Worksheet 3
3. Sun and clouds

Clouds & Particles


2. Particles


Worksheet 2






Can you answer these questions?

1) The mechanism for removal of the aerosols from the atmosphere is called...
a) vaporization
b) deposition
c) decomposition
d) convection

2) The main removal process of aerosols from the atmosphere is when aerosols...
a) disappear when animals and people breath
b) settle on the surface (sea or land)
c) are absorbed in the photosynthesis in plants
d) escape to space

3) Which statement is correct?
a) Small and big aerosols have approximately the same lifetime
b) It is not the size that decides the lifetime of the aerosols
c) Big aerosols have longer lifetime than small aerosols
d) Small aerosols have longer lifetime than big aerosols

4) The lifetime of aerosols from volcanoes may be longer than for other aerosols because...
a) the high temperature of the volcano aerosols gives them a long lifetime
b) sulfur aerosols (like those from volcanoes) have longer lifetimes than other aerosols
c) they are injected into high levels of the atmosphere
d) they are injected into low levels of the atmosphere

5) Aerosols can have a harmful effect on human health by causing...
a) breathing problems
b) skin-cancer
c) loss of hair
d) fatness


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Authors: Ellen K. Henriksen and Camilla Schreiner - University of Oslo - Norway. Scientific reviewer: Justine Gourdeau - LaMP Clermont ferrand - France - 2004-01-13. Quiz programmer: Julia Heres - University of Nürnberg - Germany. Last update: 2004-03-27.




last updated 09.07.2005 20:22:17 | © ESPERE-ENC 2003 - 2013