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People changing climate
1. Man-made climate change?
2. How will future be?
3. How hinder climate change?
- More emissions
- Emissions trading
- Climate Convention
- Kyoto Protocol
* Worksheet 1
* Worksheet 2



How are
people changing
the climate?

Read more

3. How can we hinder
man-made climate change?


Worksheet 1




1. Question to be answered individually or in groups

Emission of greenhouse gases is closely related to the number of people on Earth. In what way? Would a reduction of the population necessarily lead to reduced emission of greenhouse gases? Why/why not?

Image: Microsoft clipart


2. Search information on Kyoto


Has your country ratified the Kyoto protocol? If so, what are your country's obligations according to the protocol? Will this impact on your personal, everyday life?


3. Group work

Work together in groups and discuss whether there should be a special tax on petrol in order to reduce fossil fuel combustion. Make a table with at lest 3 arguments for and 3 against such a tax.


4. If you could vote in international cooperation

Emissions per person and year for industrialized countries are typically 10-20 tonnes, and developing countries are a few tonnes. Some experts suggest that the rate of emission should be no higher than about 1 tonne per person and year to prevent man-made climate changes. 

Imagine yourself taking part in a world conference about what the world's countries will have to do. Five suggestions have been put forward for the industrialized countries and five for the developing countries.

a) Which suggestions for the industrialized countries will you vote for?

Industrialized countries should:
A. Cut down their emissions drastically to about 1 tonne per person and year
B. Cut down their emissions quite drastically to a few tones per person and year
C. Cut down their emissions a little
D. Keep to the present emission level
E. Be allowed to emit as much as they want

b) Which suggestions for the developing countries will you vote for?

Developing countries should:
A. Not be allowed to emit more that about 1 tonne per person and year
B. Be allowed to emit a few tonnes per person and year, but not more
C. Be allowed to emit a number of tonnes per person and year, but not as much as the industrialized countries do
D. Be allowed to emit as much per person and year as the industrialized countries do
E. Be allowed to emit as much as they want

c) If you voted for emission reductions in a) and/or b): How many years should be allowed to pass before the reduction is fully effected?

d) Write a text (100-300 words) where you discuss what would be the consequences of carrying out tha alternatives you have chosen for industrialized countries and developing countries.

e) Discuss the consequences from d) in a group.

(Source: Björn Andersson, Sweeden)


Authors: Ellen K. Henriksen and Camilla Schreiner - University of Oslo - Norway. Scientific reviewer: Andreas Tjernshaugen - CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo) - Norway - 2004-01-20 Educational reviewer: Educational reviewer: Nina Arnesen - Marienlyst school in Oslo - Norway - 2004-03-10. Last update: 2004-03-27.




last updated 11.07.2005 19:51:37 | © ESPERE-ENC 2003 - 2013