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Climate Change classes 1
UQ 3 May 07 Cars and ozone
UQ 2 Mar 07 Urban air
Climate change 2007 IPCC special
UQ 1 Nov Dec 06 Particles in air
Special: Oct. 2006 Communication
Nr 10 Sept. 2006 Africa's emissions
R: Domestic fire emissions
R: New Technologies
C: Energy and emissions
A: Activities
L: Links
I: Information for teachers
Nr 9 July 06 Air traffic
Special: June 06 Climate summit
Nr 8 April 2006 Ozone & N2 cycle
Nr 7 March 2006 Climate modeling
Nr 6 Feb. 2006 acid rain
Nr 5 Jan. 2006 oceanic sulfur
Special: Nov 05 Ozzy Ozone
Nr 4 Oct. 2005 light/satellites
Special: Sept 05 Cyclones
Nr 3 Sept. 2005 methane/energy
Special: July 05 Greenhouse Earth
Nr 2 June 2005 forest/aerosols
No 1 May 2005 vegetation/CO2

Development, energy supply and environment in Africa

Link list

Africa for the classroom

 Africa in elementary
Numerous lesson plans for teaching about African geography, languages, food, traditions and culture in elementary school
 Compare African countries
A factsheet about 7 African countries gives basic information, history, economy and life conditions and compares each of them with the industrialised state Australia
 The image of Zimbabwe
Role play - an African country seen from different point of views

Articles for kids

 The story of the ceramic Jiko
A story for children how to cook more efficiently, short article with photos
 African Forests for Kids
Little illustrated overview about wood and forestry, prodvided by CIDA Forestry Advisors Network

Forests, fuelwood and biomass

 Biomass for energy supply
An excellent summary of biomass use for energy supply via firewood and charcoal - technical article with good illustrations and photos
 Forest change in maps
Excellent introduction text, also for school classes, on how landuse, deforestation and changes in the ecosystems are interlinked. Forest mapping project for Africa. Article with photos by NASA.
 Fuelwood - world overview
The little paper presents a short overview of fuelwood usage in the world, PDF Text + Fuelwood use map

Example Kenya

 Cookstoves for the developing world
An illustrated comparison of different common stove types in Kenya and their efficiency - University of Berkeley
 Human Development Report Kenya
The detailed report with numerous graphs, photos and illustration may be a source for teachers, from which parts can be chosen in order to present Kenia as a developing country in classes. See for example the chapter on the industrial development.
Find here related economy statistics
 Timber industry in Kenya
Information about the present situation and discussion of sustainable timber use. (scientific level)
 Energy and indoor pollution in Kenya
Text based summary of the situation of fuel use in Kenya and the health risks due to indoor pollution.

General information about African countries

 FAO - Low-income food-deficit countries
The FAO mapping gives an overview of agriculture, industry and economic data for many developing countries. Click on the country of your choice on this page.
 Energy and Environment Database
The Database provides statistics for all countries on the world on energy and environment related data. It allows comparisons of different countries.
 Country reports Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Information and statistics on the countries economy and environment, provided by UNEP
 Africa's Energy Challenge
Very short but good summary of the energy situation in Africa, with an overview table: Africa's situation in the world. Can also serve as introducing text to the topic for classes.
 Energy overview sub-Saharian Africa
Short overview page provided by the US Energy Information Administration. The focus is more on oil based products and complements the perspective from firewood use.
 Science in Africa
Science in Africa is an online magazine with little articles about many issues concerning the situation on the continent. For example also a little summary on firewood

Statistics on the economy in African countries

 Economic overview of countries
Compare economic indicators from developing and developed countries, for example the percent of GDP earned by Agriculture Industry and Services; extensive use of the resource requires registration, source: World Resources Institute
 Economic report Nigeria
Detailed report of Nigerian economic development with key data in tables. Not suitable for classes, background information for teachers who would like to discuss the country in the classroom. Source: United Nations - Economic Commission for Africa

More details from science

 Modeling the future
Simulation of the future African greenhouse gas emissions, scientific paper, 2005
 Greenhouse gas emission analysis
Analysis of GHG emissions from firewood and charcoal in Kenya, Univ. of Berkley, detailed paper on consumption behaviour and consequences for the local environment
 Biomass burning experiment:
Links to scientific information on various biomass burning research carried out world wide.
(in case of connection problems, please copy and paste the URL into the address bar)
 Early biomass burning overview
Estimation of global biomass burning by continents from 1990




last updated 10.08.2007 | © ACCENT - Atmospheric Composition Change 2013