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Climate Change classes 1
UQ 3 May 07 Cars and ozone
UQ 2 Mar 07 Urban air
Climate change 2007 IPCC special
UQ 1 Nov Dec 06 Particles in air
Special: Oct. 2006 Communication
Nr 10 Sept. 2006 Africa's emissions
Nr 9 July 06 Air traffic
Special: June 06 Climate summit
Nr 8 April 2006 Ozone & N2 cycle
R: background-ozone & R-NO2
C: The nitrogen cycle
A: Activities
L: Links
I: Information for teachers
Nr 7 March 2006 Climate modeling
Nr 6 Feb. 2006 acid rain
Nr 5 Jan. 2006 oceanic sulfur
Special: Nov 05 Ozzy Ozone
Nr 4 Oct. 2005 light/satellites
Special: Sept 05 Cyclones
Nr 3 Sept. 2005 methane/energy
Special: July 05 Greenhouse Earth
Nr 2 June 2005 forest/aerosols
No 1 May 2005 vegetation/CO2

Information for teachers


Download material is offered in the ACCENT material corner for this edition.

Context and Integration into classes

Focus Chemistry:

This edition of the school magazine has been developed for the application in chemistry classes as complementary material to the topic nitrogen cycle.
The article "research" can be used as an introduction to the topic, the article "context"  backs up the classic teaching of the nitrogen cycle. In parallel, students use the WebQuest for self-contained analysis of information beyond the classic teaching materials.

A possible approach for classes is:

- Introduction of the Element Nitrogen
- Introducing text "research" 
   -> Start of the WebQuest work (activities) in parallel to classes
- Nitrogen compounds in different oxidation states
- Redox-reactions and oxidation numbers
- Nitrogen cycle in the soil (nitrogen fixation, denitrification, fertilisation)
- Nitrogen in excrements of animals (ammonia, urea, ...)
- Nitrogen emissions from human sources
- Technical processes for the synthesis of nitrogen compounds
   -> Ammonia synthesis according to Haber Bosch
   -> Nitric acid production in the Ostwald process

Flow chart curricular context

curricular context



last updated 14.12.2006 | © ACCENT - Atmospheric Composition Change 2013