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Klimawandel im Unterricht 1
Klimawandel im Unterricht 2
UQ 3 Mai 07 Autos und Ozon
UQ 2 Mrz 07 Woher kommt Stadtluft?
Klimawandel 2007 IPCC spezial
UQ 1 Nov Dez 06 Partikel in der Luft
Spezial: Okt. 2006 Kommunikation
Nr 10 Sept. 2006 Afrikas Emissionen
Nr 9 Juli 06 Luftverkehr
Spezial: Juni 06 Klimagipfel
R: Climate summit report
C: Glossary
A: Activities
L: Links
I: Information for teachers
Nr 8 April 2006 Ozon & N2 Kreislauf
Nr 7 März 2006 Klimamodellierung
Nr 6 Feb. 2006 Saurer Regen
Nr 5 Jan. 2006 Ozeanischer Schwefel
Spezial: Nov 05 Ozzy Ozon
Nr. 4 Okt. 2005 Licht/Satelliten
Spezial: Sept 05 Wirbelstürme
Nr. 3 Sept. 2005 Methan/Energie
Spezial: Juli 05 Treibhaus Erde
Nr. 2 Juni 2005 Wald/Aerosole
Nr. 1 Mai 2005 Vegetation/ CO2


This linklist is split into two parts with a completely different focus

Part A: Grammar - Links about future tenses

Part B: Content - Links about the climate summit in Montreal and climate conventions


Part A: Grammar - Links about future tenses

 Short overview with context
Short desciption of the future tenses in the context of all tenses
 The four future tenses (will) provides an introduction how to form the four future tenses with will
 -> simple future (I will sing)
 -> future continuous (I will be singing)
 -> future perfect (I will have sung)
 -> future perfect continuous (I will have been singing)
 The future tenses (including going to)
A comparable overview is given by including the future with "to be going to"
 -> simple future: "will" or "to be going to"
 -> future in the past: "would" or "was going to"
 -> future continuous
 Introduction to verb forms interactive exercices - overview
provided by the University of Victoria (Canada) - In detail

 -> future with "going to"
 -> future with "will"
 -> four ways to talk about the future


Part B: Content - The Montreal climate summit and International treaties

Reports from the Montreal climate summit

 BBC online article
A political view on the climate summit
 Greenpeace summary
A very short summary of the decisions from Montreal is given by Greenpeace
 Press release from UNFCCC
The official press release from the organiser (UNFCCC) on the Montreal climate summit

Background and further reading:

More detailed reports from Montreal are not easy to read for non-experts. However, for the interested the following resources can be useful:

 Report offered by the Wuppertal institute (PDF)
The Montreal climate summit: Starting the Kyoto business and preparing for post-2012. A 13 pages PDF report (text only).
 Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Detailed summary report from the Montreal climate summit
 Decisions from UNFCCC website
The official documents from the climate summit in Montreal can be found on the UNFCCC website. But they are only understandable for experts familiar with the negotiation process.






last updated 12.07.2006 | © ACCENT - Atmospheric Composition Change 2013